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Phyllomedusa is an experimental project from Annapolis, Maryland. It was created in 2007 by Big Frog and is infamous for it's amphibious and extreme misanthropic themes, harsh sound. Phyllomedusa is very pro-animal, especially from the amphibian side.


"Big Frog" put Omphalectoicxanthopsia on hiatus, and wanted to start something so completely different than anything else. It's said that due to the fact he couldn't find a drummer to play the speed he wanted, Big Frog learned every instrument himself. Big Frog had gone through multiple ideas, and animal-themed projects before picking a favorite of his childhood, the frog, and all amphibians in general.

"Eggs of the Monkey Frog" was the first demo to be printed and released to a small audience. His label Sloth Clatter Media only printed 150 copies. At an extreme volume, it contained heavy use of start/stop noise with hundreds of frog calls in between. Phyllomedusa later went on to produce many different releases all with many different genres including Gorenoise, Goregrind, Sludge/Doom metal, Ambient, Noisecore, Death Metal, D-beat, Blues, and Minimalism.

Big Frog started as a guitar player in high school, and still revolves the project's sound around the guitar. A key characteristic of Phyllomedusa is the use of 7 & 8 string guitars. More specifically the Ibanez RG2228 and Ibanez RG7321.

Ranging influences include classic horror movies, more specifically animal-based films and extreme misanthropy. Often implying amphibians are more important than humans. Often implying frogs and toads would eat humans if they got hungry enough. He also believes he has a inner connection with amphibians.

Phyllomedusa employs both clean, and pitch shifted vocals. Multiple effect pedals are also used on the guitars and bass.

Another piece of equipment Phyllomedusa uses is the Simmons Electronic drum kit.

Big Frog is also the lone member of Macrophagous Gilled Larvae, olm, Toad Birth, and Amphibians Performing Surgery. All of which revolve around amphibians.

Many of his releases can be found at the blog he runs entitled "Amphibian Worship".


Phyllomedusa's Bandcamp
