Anal violence

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Anal Violence is a project that was created on October 1st 2012 in Zagreb Croatia by some guy who was involved in some other garbage shit bands/projects like Bassatan and Stowppid.

It was meant to be an as fast as possible, loud as possible and as primitive as possible noisecore one-man band (it's not a project if you have had live gigs, no?).

The idea was to use digital drums with a ridiculous BPM rate (1200-3000) and only vocals via a distortion pedal and no actual instruments (although a brown tuned bass via distortion accompanies live appearances).

It was and still is my vision or, my take on noisecore, everything I ever wanted to listen to or felt was missing in the genre, I've made myself.

This project primarily serves as an outlet, the sort of outlet some people would pay top dollar for and it also serves as an "alter ego" free of any and all restrictions or rules, taking nothing seriously, mocking everything, insulting everything and respecting nothing.

The project was very prolific for a while, and now it has had a few stops and set backs but still goes relatively strong.