Band: putin's rotten corpse

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German/Czech band which was founded by Tyhran and Vov4ik at 30th of July 2023, their first single "бачок малафейный" came out the same day! Pi1zduck himself claims that this is his most successful project since March 2023. In August 2023 they recorded the first album from this band. In March 2024 Tyhran aka Pi1zduck organized a split of 9 participants "Putin Is... (vol.1)" including putin's rotten corpse. It is worth noting that the creators of the group were inspired by such projects as "Merzbow", "Massona" , "HANATARASH", "Anal Cunt" and more. In February 2024, all the group’s releases were included on the label created by Tyhran "Avant-garde Dungeon Records", They used to be on the now formatted label "Gold Music 360 Records" which created by Tyhran too. Now the band members are experimenting with their sound. Also in August 2023, Tigran invented the genre "Noisespeed" (Noise + Speedcore) But the pioneer of this genre is the solo release by Tyhran "October-fest 2023" which was released in October.


Tyhran, Vov4ik (Makarov)


Ukulele, Handmade instruments, Kazzo, Harmonica, Piano, Broken toy guitar


* Singles

бачок малафейный (2023)

ельцин ебал путина в жопу и подхватил спид (2023)

пытки с элементами садомазохизма (2023)

одноклассники мрази (2023)

я хочу умереть (2023)

повний пиздець (2023)

sex, drugs and noisecore (2023)

памяти евгения пригожина(1961-2023) (2023)

1 месяц (2023)

вячеслав мэрлоу - позорище (2023)

ігор гофман core (2023)

я з дитинства мрію повіситися! (2023)

Ебли сонЪ (2023)

2 месяца (2023)

целующиеся пары на улицах - ебатня (2023)

песня для вагинального секса (2023)

бачок малафейный (2024 edition) (2024)

  • Albums

анти путин (2023)

шизофазия (2023)

музыка для сна (2023)

убийства с применением дрели (2024)

  • Splits

Putin Is... (vol. 1) (2024)
