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Revision as of 00:02, 2 June 2008

Take seat over there.

Claimed to be the very first NS loli ambient band in the world, The Guanoson is a weird mixture of ambient and experimental noise, with elements from drone, breakcore and blue metal. Taking the word 'conceptual' into a new level, The Guanoson has released 7 albums during 2007, each with a track less than the previous one, starting from 7. After their last album, The Guanoson ceased to exist on December of that year. The Guanoson was member of a movement called Avantgarde Indie Neu. With the first half of 2008 the band signed with HEREKTA Records, and belongs to the extreme far right group HEREKTA Iniciative to the present.


Halls ov Doom

Nazi Occult Lolis

She was asking for it

Train of pr0n (split with lukas_utc)


Lucid Fairytale

There is also an authorized bootleg out, called Kein Titel, what is an euphemism for "untitled"

The 'Halls ov Doom' album was dedicated to Lord Aäkön Këëtrëh